While the name and ownership structure will change, we are confident that clients of SFS will continue to benefit from the same high standards of service, experience and professionalism they have come to expect, and crucially Shackleton will remain a Chartered Financial Planning firm.
Initially very little will change:
As a firm, Shackleton has a nationwide presence. By being part of Shackleton, we believe that, over time, they will be able to offer SFS clients various additional benefits, details of which will be shared with clients in due course.
Further details regarding Shackleton and this transaction can be found on their website: shackletonadvisers.co.uk.
The leadership team presented our 5 year strategic vision to our wider team in August and our strategic priorities and growth ambitions remain unchanged.
For absolute clarity and the avoidance of any doubt, the partners of Shorts remain wholly committed to ensuring that we remain a successful, local, independent practice both now and in the future.